Don't know for sure. next time it happens I'll try a little more trouble shooting. Right now I just want to make sure I've done everything I need...
When I start my computer I get "operating system missing" message. Wiggle harness connections and tap on drive and and so far I have gotten it to...
Labels are difficult. Electronic laid back. Very pleasant. I agree about no drums, but maybe something in the bass register here and there.
OK, Listened again on my new ATH-M50 phones. Stereo field is pretty narrow, crowded. EQ sounds not quite right. I think that is mostly on drums...
I went ahead and bought the Rode. Only been playing with it a little while. Just my vocal so far. I'll get my friends AT and do a side by side one...
I borrow a friends AT4050 when he lets me. I like it on my voice very much. But If I spring for one of those, I won't be able to afford anything...
Vocals mostly. I think I am going to get a matched pair of something for drum overheads. I want an AKG414 but it is just not within my budget...
Rode NT2A-Anybody have any hands on/ears on experience with this mic? Your opinion on this company's mics in general?
Thought I would listen to yours since you were nice enough to listen to mine. You are correct about the drum part. It is very blocky and wooden...
Was lucky enough to see F.Z. 4 or 5 times. You never knew if he was going to play a serious song or a humorous one from one moment to the next. He...
Don't have a car so I never got to try my mix on auto audio. Don't have a subwoofer to mix with in my home studio, so let me know how it feels...
But I did "mean that most sincerely"!
The horns, guitars(except bass), some of the keys are chopped up WAV files, everything else I played along to the click. I still didn't have a... I am always grateful when anybody bothers to use up 4 minutes of their life to listen to...
For some reason I was thinking about a dead groundhog under a washtub in the sun.
Adobe Audition has some pretty solid stereo expansion in the edit mode, but it works better when you start with a stereo or doubled tracks. Never...
Gosh, I wish I had the luxury of so many choices. Since this thread has started, how about another question. If a person on a limited budget were...
I know from personal experience that Burninstar has a pretty good handle on this process. I heed his advice often. Always treat compression and EQ...
Separate names with a comma.