then the service center is cracked and will not show any libraries listed
What version Of Kontakt?? is it cracked or legit?? More info is needed
I'm beginning to think you're a virus, at best maybe a troll-Read my sig
WoW!! WTF??? Regardless of the O.S. and\or Platform... You should never feel neglected if any thing you should be THANKFUL that you get what you...
Silly fan boi, that team quit a long time ago
:rofl: :lmao: :rofl:
@ the end of the day mastering has nothing to do with software, they are simply tools, not a way of life.
@Stensax The Wavelab suggestion was for the O.P and not my general recommendation, but if you notice he uses Cubase, Wavelab would add the extra...
Whatever happened to using dedicated environment for mastering?? Sticking a plugin on a channel does not = mastering, I don't care how great the...
YouHaveDownloaded is over 5 years old and should not be taken seriously. @Crumpy.. you need to find better sites. Most of the "scene" stuff...
Install the 32 bit version and then use this handy app. It should solve your ram problems.
Same thing happened to me. After a while i gave up and never returned to that site
@Lord Gaga I tested on 2PC's both x86 and 64, Ableton,Reaper and studio1, all with the same results As you can see you guessed wrong, Not only...
messed around with it for 30 minutes.Sure enough, I got the usual, Celemony has detected a problem with your installation error message, which...
You wasted 3 mins of my life by posting dupes. Not going to vote for some guy that 3 out of 4 posts are dupes
Already K'd
A DJ, is a person who selects and plays recorded music for an audience. I don't think it matters much what format he\she uses. Watch This Read...
Separate names with a comma.