EXCEPT that externals are usually 5400RPM and for libraries you normally want at least a 7200 RPM drive.
I have a problem and I thought that maybe you could provide a resolution. I am interested to read the text in the box. It is too small and when I...
It wasn't me who mentioned 1980. I never mentioned resizable anything actually. And i do not use Photoshop.
One of the really annoying things about music production is that what is standard in other fields is late in coming to music production and often...
Well, what you are saying is similar to a demand to prove a negative. I don't know why everyone might use whatever versions they do. I used...
Well at least i assumed i missed something and reread the thread several times... What Smoove Grooves said might taken as a clue: "It has been...
I don't see how it can be correct. This is in the Kontakt section with no indication of OS. Must we research the history if users' posts in...
But there is no reason to assume that a Windows user would know that. I did not know that and can see no indication in the OP that this was about MAC.
I guess "better perceived loudness" via clipping is what my brain detects as "shitty sound". My brain hears "blown speakers". I like electronic...
Are you talking about actual clipping, where the top of the wave is made flat, or is this another case of defnitions changing due to popular use...
Telemetry panic attack much? You should worry more about the CIA bug implanted in your brain. I sell tin foil by the case, if you are interested.
No one said they include a "delete" in their installer. It may be just that the install or update always overwrites those files, so you need to...
Yes. And some of us put those speakers IN our car.
I kind of almost in a way nearly figured something like that out after a while of studying what antialiasing is. I still wasn't sure, of course...
I can't think of any 'anti-alias' plugins to add right away. I DO know of an 'alias' plugin. Unfortunately I don't know its real name.
Yeah - something about her ... and her "natural" profile. But more on topic.. (on the topic of mixing but away from this specific plugin): It...
OK, not a synth, but i am not sure how strict this list is supposed top be. Anyway, WHICH rare suitcase model EP? [Edit : Electrix is an...
Are you ...talking to me? Are ... YOU ..talkin' to ..ME?... Don't mess with me or I'll tweak your ****ing knobs off. Or twiddle them off....
I am not sure what that would do. Redragging the Steam folder? That is just copying the Steam Library to the location you want. The Steam library...
I haven't tried it, but the fact that there are controls make me wonder if it is doing what they say. It is supposed to put me in that room? Then...
Separate names with a comma.