WRONG!! The AiR release is 2.2 and any sound banks released are also for that
With my ears
Any store that sells Audio Gear
Kim Dotcom: The Man Behind Mega http://www.vice.com/vice-news/kim-dotcom-the-man-behind-mega?utm_source=vicefbus
There are no libraries here
Very old news
Threads like these on Public forums is exactly why the scene is dying off. As far as I'm concerned if you don't know then you don't need to
Dazeon walks into his local Music store and asks the sales person to show him the biggest baddest synth with no presets or patches. Sales person...
audiosex = audioz?? WTF How come no one ever told me. I've been logging in to 2 different sites for no good reason. :snuffy:
nope, this is my first time logging in today :shock:
RMB\Open with\choose default program\Look for appropriate program on the web <--- This is a blue Hyper link. @ HK You should try posting a...
Some of this: Findasound Kontakt libs. :wink:
What ever happened to right clicking a file and letting Windows go on line and finding the right program?? :dunno:
Are you using a legit copy of Kontakt? have you tried updating Kontakt?? And just so you know.. Kontakt Libs. are never cracked , just Kontakt is
I think the OP meant Piano One NOT Studio One
You said that you're having problems with libs. that you've downloaded lately well I'm willing to bet that the libs were made with a newer...
Studio one is installed in the FL folder??
Separate names with a comma.