Outstanding. Slammed this one into my "favourites" folder so fast that it blew all the dust off my gpu cooler. Thanks for the heads up,...
Maybe I'll buy one of their plugins just so that they can afford to hire a real web designer who understands css3 fluid layout. Oh... hang on... I...
Thank you, ned944. Simply chilling to these choonz whilst I bash out some 3D animations is super relaxing.
Outstanding. Just when I was about to waste a couple of hours in making up a bunch of impulses, superliquidsunshine brings this great gift to the...
I went the quick 'n' dirty route. A simple monophonic sinewave oscillator, MIDI pitched and gated, with a small amount of chorus at a low rate in...
Whoa. A new genre. Damagedhearingstep. Nice.
With very little work, I managed to cobble together an ensemble in v6 that did no more and no less than emit sounds that I like. That's really...
Very good. I like it. You worked your ass off to communicate the images in your brain as a sound, and you did it very well. After listening to...
Nice vid. Problem, though: the wife got as mad as hell when I tried to use her pantyhose as a spit trap. She said I might at least have had the...
@Sylenth.Will.Fall: it was a pleasure. Keep 'em coming. Had a listen to the Ray Charles & Chaka Khan version, just for comparison's sake, and I...
Holy cow! This is beast, man. Your comprehension of the genre is outstanding. As soon as I'm outta here, I'll shall release the moths from my...
Postscript: sod the neighbours! Just played the track through proper monitors and I take it all back about the bass swamping the kick. It doesn't....
Ok - so it's like 5:00 a.m. and I don't wish to wake up the neighbours, so I've listened to the track through my Sony MDR-1R headphones. First of...
I have '100th Window' by Massive Attack warbling along in the background. It helps me overcome Sonic Diahorrea. Been working on an original 20...
Falling from a great height might not be totally bad but the sudden stop at the end would make me shit in my trousers. :woot:
^^^This. Awesome energy. An evocative and flexible work. It could so easily be the title track for a AAA game, or even a movie. I hope Quentin...
Excellent, xsze. SWMBO has a weekly radio show that mainly plays the most up-to-date choonz that she can lay her hands on. From time to time,...
Thanks for the references, mewoingtons and kalarsch. You too, junh, for the HRTF wikipedia link. Cool stuff. I thought a link to the matchbox...
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