Outstanding. I'd truly like to include this track in the playlist for the wife's internet radio show. Do you have your own website/twitter...
Swann[dot]com has an online solution finder, which you might like to take a peek at. Gives you an idea of what's available. I just happened to get...
Most of my security systems are a mixture of pro and consumer units from Swann and other sources. I use both wired and wireless cams, some...
Good job. I like it. Have you tried passing the padz synth channel through hi-pass and lo-pass filters and automating the cutoffs of each filter?...
Ah! I see what you're doing there. Nice one!
I think the tenors need to be pulled a little closer towards the centre of the stereo image.
Oh. Mea culpa. I didn't realise that the intention was to use a single synth. In which case, the substitutions that you made for ethnic...
That second piece is mesmerising. Great job! Should you feel like adding tabla doum, tek and dah rhytms in an authentic style, you'd be onto a...
Nice one, seml. The only other thing that I can think of is Silverlight TapeIt 2. Commercial plugin but dirt cheap.
No worries.:) I'll bookmark this thread and call back later. In the meantime, should no-one else mention the alternatives to Edison, I'll go dig...
Thanks for the info. So, something like Image Line Edison... or similar. Freeware or commercial?
Do you mean something like Audacity, which is an external application, or a vst plugin for your DAW? If you've never heard of Audacity, here's a...
Yeah but.... vinyl has a groove on both sides. Oh.... hang on.... just the one hole, though. Awww. Bummer. :hillbilly:
Out of curiosity, could you also post a mix without the brown noise. Purely for sake of comparison. Also, what's the source of the ringing sound?
I'll join you just as soon as I find my bloody dentures. Aw... bollocks..... seems like I'm already wearing the blighters!
I'm so old that I can remember operating pro tape decks that qualified as "portable" because they had four handles and could, therefore, be lifted...
So, we're saying here that virial theorem accurately predicts which hits harder, a bong or a chillum?
Godmode? Dayum! I thought it was a nude mod - coz you can see everything.
Oh, man. That's gorgeous. Perfect antidote to 3:00 a.m. red-eye syndrome.
Mac please. :woot:
Separate names with a comma.