The job description promised glamour, short hours, long holidays and an enormous salary in the aural industry. Years later, I realised that it was...
"That gum you like is going to come back in style" Twin Peaks. [MEDIA]
A new tinfoil hat, please. I used up all the ones that I had just to cook the Christmas turkey. :(
Nashville producer Bryan Clark goes through some mic rigging tricks for recording acoustic guitar.... [MEDIA]
@RMorgan Great work, man. I really got into it. Is there any way that you could add a little more to the left-hand side of the stereo image? It...
It's done with MIDI effects on tracks inside a MIDI rack in Ableton Live. Not really a whole lot to see in the piano roll. It's the effects...
A more detailed tut... [MEDIA]
This might help.... [MEDIA]
Hey DG Wyler. :) After listening to your remix several times over I couldn't quite hit that "like" button. To my ears, when I'm mixing or...
lol - :shalom:So was I until I switched to playing bodhran. It takes up less room in the back of the van.
McDaw - does it all for you.
Yep.:) But not as screwed up as drummers. Those buggers beat us to it every time.
Hey, samsome. :) It's ok to feel grotty. It happens to all of us to one degree or another. My solution to getting butterflies in my stomach...
So sad. The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
Eh....? I could answer that but I'm just a percussionist. :chilling:
I use cadence, pace, rhythm, tone and pressure to evoke different moods. edit: and I have to say that's the sickest (as in marvellous) track that...
Sorry, bro. Not actually in the browser but Windows networking settings. My bad. I should have been more clear.
Hey, XzaviDaaz. Sick track, man. I can't see the video (my browser rejects iframes) but the music hits me where I like it. :like:
[IMG] Bullshit. There's no way NI Massive will fit in 16K-byte. What about the libraries, ffs?
Separate names with a comma.