I have the KRK Rokit 10/3's----even with the larger cabinets, ten inch woofers, 3 way system, they still won't handle a lot of really low end. A...
I have worked with analog and remember the 1st time I saw a Harmonizer and 1st ProTools. It take a while to understand that one is not better than...
Engineer/producers-Orrin Keepnews/Rudy Van Gelder-Did all those great jazz recordings in the 50's. 60's-people leave out Steppenwolf-you can hear...
I have posted this many times. I still think it is one of the best tutorials condensed in a logical and easy to understand way. Stuff that took me...
The SAiNT knows. The SAiNt sees. Looks good--Congrats to all after the hard work. Don't mind my avatar name changing, or starting stats from 0....
Try the bass plug in in the JackJosephPuig collection (JJP) in WAVES. There is a control that allows you to widen and narrow the apparent width of...
I guess I am Adobe salesman here. The 2015CS suite is amazing. I use Premier and a lot of it's apps, and Audition9 has new video window to work...
I am not a guitarist. (percussion are me). But I love guitars and have been around and recorded my share. I also used to work at a pawn shop and...
Always interested in possible collaboration. PM me. If you do video work, would love to do some score work.
Adobe----Audition works great. Pro tutorials for everything. The new version lets you import and edit to video without jumping to premier. But you...
Can't you just move the clip? Switch the timeline to samples instead of minutes and seconds. Zoom in on track and clip until you can see small...
Major letdown, Bluestone. Most of us have had something like this happen one time or another (lost files, corrupted files, new software won't open...
Although Audio Technica is not everyone's favorite, I use their headphones and mics, and most people will agree that they make decent sounding,...
so many transducers, so little time......
Zero-frag may have a point. Are we talking about your music time keeping abilities, or latency issues between record, playback, monitoring etc.?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dakM886cysc What are search engines for?
Practicing to metronomes and click tracks is boring. For a little more inspiration, try making your own drum machine patterns, use repeated or...
You are never to old to learn anything, but it gets harder as you get older. If you want to learn to play music, select an instrument and start...
I have never made money at music. Been playing semi-professional since I was 17. I've been doing it for 42 years anyway. Any money I ever made...
They like ground---the power AC ---and with balanced cables for signal. If not, they are hum prone more than other speakers, for some reason. I...
Separate names with a comma.