It's indeed a very good resource! I liked the older LinPlug site much better. Also iZotope site looked much better in the past.
Critics are not complains. Now the boomerang comes back to you: You complain about my critics. :hillbilly: YOU see hate where's none. To...
[IMG] @ Horrible, horrible! :yawn: After iZotope's wrong move with adopting that...
ME too!! :hahaha::hahaha: ineedtheplugs I-need-the-hugs! :mates: isn't that bad but I dunno if i will join. Its design could be made better, the Playlist window at the right side is very annoying,...
True! And a Drum was my first ever instrument. Combined with a Didgeridoo (learn to play the circular breathing technique) it's an...
I guess some hidden, occult masons do it. George W.Bush was/is one of them... ...together with some Swiss bankers, search in google for "Octogon"...
That is true. :yes: But also PROGRESS in itself has its own destructive components! Killing the old (still stable & good) for the sake of...
ART will always be created anyway! Art has its own impulses, not always strictly connected to "earthly" things. A real good artist can create even...
:no: Answer = NO & not possible! The problem is based on the users/members who post heavy stuff....
The best first move would be: to make AudioZ a more secret site! It makes sense to restrict access. Other sites have this already and it works...
Not bad @ all! :winker: Good 80ies-90ies feeling. The mix is balanced except for the reverb on the snare drum and on the splash cymbals. I...
:goodpost:Winner! That would involve that people first check the stuff, pictures etc. download them instead of copy/paste links, resize them...
I don't want to hammer on this old question too much but you're right. AudioZ like many other open public forums has this weird (own created!)...
:beg: Please, please SAINT do offer a disabling option. :beg: Every time someone puts Images or Gifs - hosted @ Imgur - or similar, and also...
I don't know if the term ART fits well to computer science. It can be seen as a form of abstract thinking, but then it's in the same pure...
That is understandable from THEIR points of view but really unreal in trying to stop spreading of shared files. But why so much efforts and fights...
:goodpost:Thanks for the good post! But there's a difference between hacks and cracks. 1. Cracking of codes can be creative, depends on the skills...
Respect? You don't even respect correct English grammar and expect respect? Respect for what? Crack Teams have NO granted "passports" nor rights...
It might sound cruel but once files are out in the open www)Ocean there's no way to control! The crude sides of the Internet are part of the big...
Separate names with a comma.