Challenge accepted, to start off with, My original downtempo From a few years ago: here is a original one:...
Sorry I can't respect a members work when it is Obviously stolen from other artist and post as his own, I and nor can anyone else help the guy...
Hey everybody, it's been awhile. Please do not mind me, I am just here to say hi to some friends BUT I came across this really stupid post and...
I actually logged in for this....Awesome!!
I always keep a positive attitude. It's the only way to live. Don;t ever let anyone else words or action stop you from being you is my motto
To clear things up. I did not do anything at all. It's all AudioUTOPiA
Thanks masterj
You guys make me laugh, lots of talk but no Action,,I really hope that the few of you that had nothing better to do but make jokes are comfortably...
Google Dj Ruth Flowers A.K.A. Mamy rock, I saw her when she was a very young age of 69 in Miami. She tore the house down, by far one of the best...
Up to the Groups
It's official: "speculation" is the word of the day, :like:
For sure!! I am willing to bet that 50% of the problems would be taken care of if people actually read that stuff. It's common sense!!!
I did that years ago with the "Scene FAQ" post. Not my fault no one reads it EDIT: It seems that a mod hyperlinked to my Scene FAQ Post, Not...
First off R2R does not have a FTP and never did. The FTP belongs to AudioP2P and we decide who gets to race releases or not. And R2R is not the...
Ilok2 is not hard to crack, It's already been done But I don't think anyone will see it Publicly
No worries. I used to run a bunch of K'd and legit N.I. crap together all the time. The K'd versions bypass the service center and if you take a...
Easier to use classic shell
Easy fellas, Keep it on topic!!!
Watch your language, Insulting other members is not allowed
Sampletank, Rapture Pro are worth a look
Separate names with a comma.