I was never here
The best sharing site is the one you have never heard of and @Moogerfooger was on point with his comment, read it and deal
The Ronnie Scott concert was great, one of my favs of all time.
Alright.. another opinion from a person that did not grow up playing keys, Listen up peeps. I do not play guitar and because of that I do not go...
Not really understanding all the hate, Most of you guys are acting like children that did not get what they wanted for Christmas. At the end of...
Space is not an issue, the version 2 installer over rides the older installation, IT DOES NOT double up the space because everything goes to the...
Actually you do not have to uninstall 1.5. Version 2 overrides it with no problems and everything is retained
I doubt we would be hearing anything for a few hrs. John from PlugInGuru just got on the plane to head to L.A. about an hrs ago and he was...
Good call sG. When I saw the title of the thread , the first thing that popped into my head was this. :)
Uninstall Ableton, clean out the registry, %appdata% and Programdata folders. Install the latest R2R version. Have a nice day
Read the rules!
The voice over is funny and so true, all this guy does is bring a laptop with pre-reocrded mixes and pretend to mix
Thank God.
What a shame,!!! I was looking forward to it all
I am still wondering where all his Greatest Hits are, not trying to put him down BUT if you are going to use this forum to make an announcement,...
Ehrm ??? Really sG Well in that case. It's not a "they" it's just 1 douche
Well it's been a few days, still no presence from the O.P. and his acceptance of my challenge.
Listen up peeps, i did not come here To cause problems, It was simply pointed out to me from a friend of mine that a "certain" person was running...
Sure did, the guy is a joke
Separate names with a comma.