Sounds very nice. It has a quality in the low mids that comes from a larger magnets, coils, etc. in a dynamic mic. Prone to any kind of handling...
Here is Fluff the Plush Dog checking out my new Heil. Sounds great here at home. Will know more about it tonight after I sing with it from behind...
yeah, I agree that perfect pitch isn't that important. I love Tom Waits, but I would usually rather listen to other people sing Bob Dylan songs...
Melodyne 4 is an amazingly powerful editing and creative tool, and I am not easily impressed by some of this stuff. Pitch correction is just one...
Really this was supposed to be entertainment. This article is related in a way. I had no editorial intentions or delusions about changing anyone's...
Um. even The Economist, one of the most respected conservative publications, thinks the man is not qualified. I saw him in a debate where he...
Really, I just like caricatures. :rofl:The artist's name is Mike Monahan. I 1st saw it in a Berkeley Breathed comic strip. I think the upside down...
I cannot get Audition to see Melodyne 4. According to Adobe, if a 3rd party VST is unsupported, it will still show up in a sub menu that...
Nobody seems interested in the artistic qualities of the caricature. Yet everyone seemed to recognize it.:knock:
Donald Trump is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist, and bully who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims -- 1.6 billion...
[IMG] almost as scary as the real thing. [MEDIA]
I can't believe it has taken this long...."Fistful of Dollars" or "The Good the Bad and the Ugly" should have gotten one 50 years ago.
That's cool. Where at? Under what artist name? No sharks came circling? Did you make any money? You didn't make any attempt to answer my...
My greatest hit was when I put sinsemilla and hash oil in the same bowl. I have had music posted around for years. +2000 plays is all the...
for real change of style, check out my version of "Bargain". It's on my SC page too. ha ha ha ha ha .....
Working on another video for this song.
ahh, that may be a good difference between being a producer and being an artist,------and also may be why when working, Allen the artist, Allen...
Don't understand why people worry about genre labels. Make something. Do not worry if it fits a "style " or not. That sort of thinking is an...
ha ha, you are really Tom Robbins, aren't you. :invision:
Separate names with a comma.