Ah, right. I wasn't sure whether Melodyne is soft and/or pure hardware ilok. Thanks. Oh, and i just discovered that there is ilok 3 available now....
WTF? 200 views and not one comment? Did i say something bad? I am genuinely curious, i don't mean "gimme gimme gimme more plugins". I have enough...
OP's mdma level is seriously lacking
Or did the ilok company fix the vulnerabilty? Wondering why there aren't more Slate releases for example (not a request, can't stand the guy)...
ublock origin for me as well, works with rockfile for me as well
also try different winrar version or 7zip if on pc
What is trap about that? Apart from the hh...Anyway, great song.
mmmhh, yeah, that's the question...kinda
Yeah i know, my "Inside Out Dub" as i like to call it is probably racing up the billboard chart already - pity that Gawd will get all the moneyz...
Wow, killer song. Not a native speaker so have to get into the lyrics later but loving it already all the same.
I mean are they available as building blocks in M4L? The Cytomic ones. Just curious...I have not enough brain left to dive into Max.
Nah, i don't record anything and i mono my bass sources. Besides, Ableton doesn't even have mono tracks or does it?
it's hypnotic...it's hypnotic...it's hypnotic...it's hypnotic...it's hypnotic...it's hypnotic...it's hypnotic...it's hypnotic...it's...
nice, i like it, hearing some blue monday in there. that rolling bassline is really carrying it.
thank you, it worked, sucks that you cannot kill the mono plugs though. i am pretty rich so i can afford lots of stereo tracks.
damn @tooloud, hope my remix didn't hurt, get well soon
I should have sidechained the new hook...damn. edit: you just know that you have too many samples when it takes you 5 seconds to find one like that.
Yo dawg, made a remix, sharing is caring, gimme some of ya drugs'n'bitches!
Separate names with a comma.