Holy crapola. Ok, I didn't know you had to press record and play like an old reel to reel tape recorder, like my dad had in his basement before...
@thecow Ircam Tools Trax idk or Camel Audio Alchemy--can it be just the player? Having trouble tracking down a working version...
@subGENRE K, tyvm. There might be a problem if I use samples that are too different or not beat sync'd or something it looks like but, I'll test...
When I watched a tutorial of a guy making background vocals, he also lowered the gain of their tracks after his FX adjustments. I'm hearing the...
I'm trying to get a sound like a flute to morph over about 30 seconds into a trumpet. Going from all flute to mixtures of flute and trumpet to...
I offered my feedback as a basis of exposing the components of trance. Not as a means for you to stop! I have watched one really long tut about...
I offer this as a mutual exchange at possible learning. I like the sound, but to me it sounded a little thinner than the example music below when...
@subGENRE Ok. I went from no sound, to being able to play say Xpand!2 with a penciled in midi track, to getting my midi keyboard to fire Xpand!2,...
Oh crap, wait. I can hear the sound of the midi keyboard midi sends to the vsti (ha!...aax), but it's not recording the midi. wtf!? I think you...
@korte1975 Hey, it's on the microSOFT, I didn't realize PT was not MAC exclusive, like I think Pro Logic is... I am using Cubase way more, but...
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] http://dynamicsoundsampling.com/products/guitarstrum.htm [IMG]this one is free. There was also one I saw used in a tut on...
Quick question before I torment myself in tutorials: I can get an audio track to play. I can see my midi fire from my keyboard. I can't get a...
@flashback23 Now that I've actually come across one of those synths, I think Predator, I understand your suggestion. Ty. @SPACENGINEER Sry, I...
I completely forgot about making instrument tracks in Cubase and then just driving them with one midi track. I just set up my common FX tracks...
@Kookaboo Ok, cause with a synth like that, if I'm gonna put in the time I want to make sure it's time on the right thing. @statik Idk wtf...
@artwerkski I started with Audition, cause I came from the After Effects side but, I couldn't get my Waves plugins to work (at the time not...
Hmmm, I tried to go thru a tutorial on making a trance track from start to finish today, and I think I hear more of how the "atmosphere" is being...
@Kookaboo, @Sylenth.Will.Fall (to what prey tell?) Unfortunately, as of now, I've got as far as recognizing I know that I don't know. Which is...
@Pinkman That's the type of soundscapes I want but, without the detuning automation like at 1:05. Everyone seems to have a hardon for that but, I...
@timer Is Cubase not looked down upon by Pro Tools and Logic Pro ppl? Idk, I just got Cubase first and started to remaster hits from the 1980s...
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