it is worth 200 dollars definitely to me
serious question now that R2R has a license for it i fear my purchase might be stupid i already ordered an ilok usb just to use metatune what do...
comparing software to women is nasty my guy
i never said they owe me anything im just curious as why they dont crack software that is avaliable to crack if that gets you mad i dont know what...
beware of people telling you they got x unreleased plugin cracked it's probably a scam
i dont see the hype for uad i demoed opal and it's ass same for polymax uad is just hype
on a side note im gonna buy metatune soon i already got the 264 euros it costs ilok usb included but i fear if my ilok usb gets broken i may lose...
but the softwares i mentioned are crackable i just wonder do teams have ethics? do they not want to hurt some companies sales? i just wanna know...
ive thanked them countless times here and at siter site i would be willing to financially support teams like r2r but i dont find a way to do so if...
i have some softwares i could share on the sister site like oxyott but if no one dares to crack them why share? so many people share stuff that...
sounds very cinematic nice job
whenever i add halion 6 to my plugin database it shows a black icon instead of an image of halion 6 how can i change the black image to an image...
im looking for the autotune 7 64 bit windows installer anybody got it?
hey guys i made this forgive me for uploading this here lol but im trying to sound like young thug , gunna i used autotune efx+ and ableton 11...
can you do autotune access for 5 euro? that's all i have also is it the new version or version 9 becouse i have version 9 from my focusrite solo
everytime i want to save anima as default plugin it gives me this error failed to save plugin state as default does anyone know how to fix it? ive...
i get why you are angry there are so many good plugins R2R could bring us yet they release these horrible plugins but it's their choice to release...
it says something about the fruity wrapper it works on ableton tho what could be the problem please someone help
i feel honored by your words thank you so much i will work on new tracks as soon as i can :wink:
man thats great you saying those words to me i feel honored i made the song completely sober i dont smoke weed anymore due to medication for...
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