Holy freaking molly!!! :woot:....wish i had a dedicated music room. Sucks being in an apartment. Congrats on an amazing setup!
Baxter for the win! :wink:
Dude I think I literally died from laughter reading your reply . In fact, I never typed these words. It's all happening in your dilusional mind...
Wow this is actually really cool! Unfortunately I can't test because I'm on mac :(
Question guys, did anyone ever get the soundsetbuilder from R2R to work? I've tried everything.
Amazing studios guys! I love looking at the creative spaces of others :yes:
Well since we all decided to post our studios in this thread anyway, keep them coming guys lol! I need a desk badly, but i'm in an apartment......
Very nice studio! Regarding your post, i think that's what our forum http://mainroom.pro/ is for! Cool post either way.
I'm very interested in what people use for cable management as well. If you have a good viable solution, please share.
I love that vst too. Works wonders on DRUMS!
Your english was literally perfect. No need to apologize.
I like your drive. You seem hungry to succeed. I hope things work out for you.
I have 3 daws. Buy: 1) the one pros use. (It's nice to learn if you plan on making money someday). 2) The one YOU love personally the most for...
Decent work..but I warned you. That mouth will get you in trouble.
Sorry. Those are the only ones I can think of. Do you keep backups? If so revert to previous version of your computer. Best wishes!
I'm sure it will be decent music...however, be ready for lots of backlash if you don't deliver the world's greatest music we've ever heard. You...
Funny I was going to recommend logic x as well for the dummer feature. But yes, i was testing superior drummer 2 today and it is quite good!
On my mac it goes: MacintoshHD-Mac-Pro:~(home icon)/Users/(home icon)/Library/Preferences/com.fxpansion.licensemanager.plist Folder titles will...
hmmm...I keep hearing this name...and this kit. gotta check it out.
Separate names with a comma.