Hey! Me, too. Almost half a kilo. Cold saag aloo with onion bahjis. That's the trick. The stink is terrible but, in the last half hour, I truly...
I like to make music, always, but I rarely like what I make. Each new track that I work on feels as if I'm trying to count the number of stars in...
Depends on what's meant by "as good as". Are we talking Box Office profit, or stuff that tanked but later became cult classics? David...
Now what I wanna know is, does the Jesus guy "Save", or is it merely "Save As..."?
@Bunford How have things turned out for you with the water slip decal sheets? Promising, or a pain in the bum?
If it were the Eurovision Bong Contest, I'd be right there. One hit on a bong for every point scored by your home country. If you pass out before...
Quite right, @Andrew :yes: I visited Austria and more than once saw all manner of musicians taking a break from yodelling in the valleys.
Nah. I prefer music made the old-fashioned way, by musicians. Pop created by a committee is like having nothing but a Health & Safety poster to...
Dude! Travelling via budget airlines gets worse every day. Now, you not only have to cope with the TSA but, also, you don't even get a seat!...
It might be an Eventide H910 Harmonizer, or a VST emulation of the same. There's something odd about the sound that reminds me of the vocal...
Yay! Ardderchog, ddyn. Cer amdan'i. Go for it. It's a great app to have in your bag of tricks. Hey, I learned something from this thread. I never...
No worries. :) The dots are merely a quick tute on how to use a vector based approach rather the usually more chunky Photoshop bitmap format. I...
Good to see you ordered the white decals paper. Good call. I'm sorry I can't bring to mind a dead simple app for making panelwork decals. I'm so...
Cool. Thanks for the "heads up". I've Bookmarked the link and I'll be sure to check it out. :like: Is the stream up 24/7/365, or specific times...
I used to spend days searching for just the right music to use in sound design for radio, Television and film, never finding the precise material...
@Bunford Try JKnobMan. It's free but if you want to sling a quid or two over to the developer, it's up to you....
Nice one, @Pinkman :thumbsup:
So which sucky country makes the greatest number of infomatic database charts?
Whale oil beef hooked. Eye sum thyme wander reef aye knead two shirt thief her cup hand reed thee, Manuel.
Separate names with a comma.