Plugin Alliance has brought us a lot of fine goodies so I'm fine with that.
Do you have job vacancies in the neural network? I am looking for a job.
They have pretty much everything that's been released. Torrents only though.
I win...more to come [MEDIA]
Always open for reg on the second or third of a month...
Can't find the WiFi cable, help! Are bad jokes a bannable offense?
I'd try contacting the dev and asking him to do it, or help you doing it.
Mmhhh, I like most of the concretefx+Papen stuff. True, no flashy guis but intuitively laid out and lots of good or even great presets....
You are the universe...
rudimentary social skills...sorry for being an ass
You know you can just press Ctrl+S, right? Not sure you can save as PDF directly through.
Sucks ass BIG TIME, haven't even seen page 1 of this thread you moron. Good enough?
Wow, i think Zealious might be the missing link! Not quite ape, not human yet. I kid, i kid, sorry Zeali! ; )
I'm not Olymoon but still: Apparently a known problem, nothing one can do.
Ape descendants? APES! Just look at my picture! Virus with shoes (Bill Hicks)
Don't be too hard on yourself, phloopy.
Good luck! You may get your money back from paypal.
Didn't read the whole thread but if multiple keypresses are the problem can't you just use the program autohotkey?
Just to be clear, I didn't create it! Only saw it on gerslutz.
Cool, will check it out, never heard of it.
Separate names with a comma.