Hey mates, i just started a project with a very talented vocalist. if you have any original songs, who will fit in the genre of soul or soulful...
Hallo Leute, hab mich mal ein bischen umgeschaut und bin mir immer noch im Unklaren, ob es eine funktionierende Version von dem Teil gibt. Über...
hi guys, i made this 1 minute intro teaser.anyone here, who has ideas to arrange this and make a complete song out of it ? [MEDIA] would be...
check out the intro: https://soundcloud.com/j-rgen-m-ller-6 if you are interrested, to work on it, just drop an email. [email protected]
Hey Mates, your help is really appreciated ! what version of kontakt runs this lib. ? i tried 5.4, 5.3 no chance, patch is encrypted bla bla....
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