cmon guys… Library Placer.exe ??? cannot work on Mac...
If you have the Sound Data folder installed in a custom place (default is: /Library/Application Support/XLN Audio/Addictive Drums 2/) just make a...
^ no difference about the sounds DB but,K5 library is compressed so that it is half size compared to version 4...
of course,you need an authorization code to make Trilian working Moog Tribute had no protection so it works np
from AudioSex rules:
wake up guys ! the solution is at MSJ...
@ lyric8: check pm box ;-)
Make a clone of a running system is a bad idea since you will copy also garbage, errors and if any, malfunctions I'm usual to restart from...
Old school but works: Choose a sound like flute or piano or simple synth wave and play a C scale starting from C2 and sing over it you'll learn...
If you want to run 32bits plugins without convert them, go for Logic 9 LogicX is a toy not a serious daw ;-)
For those installers that won't allow you to choose wich plugin install, go for Pacifist way ;-)
Problem is since 10.9.5 apple changed code sign. Thats why ovalf got issues… To avoid such problem, better still @ 10.9.4 Same crap is...
better use symbolic links than alias on Mac OSX *yes*
U need of the ToontrackEZX key generator...
Latest Omnisphere update is 1.5.8d
Audio Finder does manage plugins as well but what you can do is just activate/deactivate them, not uninstall There where an app called PlugAdmin...
Here an addon to you tutorial: Create yourself nkc and nkx files with Terminal cat /dev/null > "/Users/"username here"/Desktop/"Master Folder...
I like Synth Magic and Hollow Sun stuff :wink:
Separate names with a comma.