:wink:Where would we all be without theDingus:like:
If you just took time to go back and read Opensh's nfo for the McDSP you will see it says ONLY AU. The RTAS and AAX will be installed but will not...
However if your SSD is a slightly older model using the Command Line TrimForce might break your MacOSX 10.10.4 as it did mine. It would not boot...
Back again Dkey - I can confirm that your method works. I had forgotten to leave a space after B .Problem officially solved:wink:
Hello Dkeymagic I've installed Command Line tools and followed your instructions but, after dropping either Aether.vst or Breeze.vst folders into...
Thanks for that contribution Dkeymagic - I'll give that a try:wink: I'm on Yosemite and File Buddy will not work properly on Yosemite but thanks...
No problems at all with Blue Cat Patchwork or MB7 in Cubase 8. The Openssh Softube VSTs, for instance, all crash Cubase 8 for me on Yosemite but...
Yes PsYAuM I have exactly the same problem and they just will not load in Cubase 8. However the AU will load no problem in Cubase via Blue Cat...
The way this works is that it ties in your computer display with the rising and the setting of the sun and syncs you with the natural cycles of...
Apart from the obvious arguments about not following openssh instructions properly and not backing up the simplest way out of your problem is to...
Bon Dio Copylefter. My total appreciation for your passion and work and may your craicing hand never falter :wink:
Gentlemen, the one indispensable piece of kit for mashups...
Always several instances of salt and pepper when doing mashups
Does this Rackspacer sound as good as one hand clapping???
Hello Frubbs - that new feature of being able to sort your plugins is a big draw for me so I hope its not buggy and that your problems were just...
It might be the case that you have to update the firmware of your box before taking this update. The RME documentation ReadMe tells you just...
Glad to hear that Nightwalker. And just what I wanted to hear that WinonX is working on Yosemite. I'll check out WineBottler too. I've just...
I've been cruising along now for a couple of years on Mountain Lion 10.8.5 very happily with all software and craics I need working perfect. But...
Yeah TotalMixFX has been available for Fireface 400 and 800 users since last summer but you don't get the FX part as Fireface 400 and 800 don't...
Looks too Good to forgo Dingus. Thanx. Pity its 32bit and Windows only but bridgeable of course :wink:
Separate names with a comma.