Just read a post over on GearSlutz that states the following: Recording Magazine June issue delivered today has full page Ad for Studio One 4. Ad...
Amydarkfang: I'd recommend you check your own system out since no one but you is complaining about a Trojan! It would also absolutely make no...
Thanks for the actual link lerkjurk! :)
Second comment from the bottom: https://www.gearslutz.com/board/cakewalk-sonar/1210114-best-program-world-but-free.html However, it is a user...
I agree, it certainly seems to indicate that Oct 2018 will have some consequence regarding maintaining a valid free license with them. If it's too...
I can confirm that if one just tries reinstalling from the downloaded .exe's the app won't be authorized and will be in demo mode as safran5020...
It does interfere with the keygen as I've stated above.
I believe your problem is that www.r2download.com isn't the very first entry in your hosts file. If it is second etc... R2R's script can't find it...
You folks do realize that the heat is brought upon these groups when they crack these heavy duty (so called un-crackable) warez. Many choose to...
I'm referring sticky to the Scarlett 2i4 since that is what I have here. Read this:...
I've run both OS's without problem with my Scarlett 2i4. I'm currently running 10.12.3 Beta and I'm still not experiencing your issues. Make sure...
Built mine about 4 months ago because I refuse to pay Apple's crazy prices anymore! It is running great and I'm even running the latest 10.12.3...
JJS, maybe for some reason on your Win7 machine Cubase blacklisted it? It's also possible that you might need to add this new plugins path in...
JJS: Yes
Ok, first you have to use it only with AudioUtopia's 12.5.0 version of Pro Tools. Here's what worked for me. Note: I'd recommend you uninstall...
JJS: It's not showing in your DAW because more then likely it is the 64bit plugin. Your Cubase is 32bit and hence won't detect it.
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