Ok thanx for the advice catnaps . yes i know what you mean ive donde that before sidechaining. but so i can understand better paralell comopresion...
hahah sorry ive lived in spain all my life. and how can i achieve that. shpuld i do the same thing the guy on the video is doing or not? for...
hii buddies ive just noticed the importance of this trick theres a few ways of doing so.and whats the best way to do to make the kick pull...
OK cheers ganja. ill have to slice to midi theres a few options and youu can get pretty creative, ive noticed a lot of beatport tunes techno...
thanx for reply I meen a percusive loop instead of editing it in arr view(cutting coppying pasting) to do it in the clip view. becouse its a bit...
ok i was trying this the other day. so what i done was put asong in ableton and izotope on master and prest match eq button , and now what??
have you went in to regedit and clicked full control. i still havent managed to make it, the closest i got was . they all loadid up in ableton but...
i thought i seen this guy once on youtube manualy choping up a vocal loop in clip view. i know people do that in arrangement view but its a bit...
oww shit didnt know i would get theese many replys so thanx to all of you! so how on earth do i i mono them from 25o down? i think im just gona...
yes i forgot they mono them and then pan, wht do you meen by 250 and do you pan the or not? lol
hi guys ive been a year making tech house music with ableton and i know some people who pan to kicks left and right. is that the right way or not?...
thanx for the reply muab. but know i dont have a manual so are you saying that i cant get the sequencer to sinc? if so im using nexus to do grat...
hi guys has anyone had the same problem im using ableton live 8 and i cant get subboombass to sync with ableton using the sequencer ive tried...
hello everyone this is my first post, i was wondering whats the best way top producers edit loops in ableton live thres three ways that i know of...
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