Did you change your system version to 10.9? If not then you have to do it before installing it.
Not true my friend I installed it several times and I still can install it but for some reasons that I mentioned I can't have it in El Capitan...
What I saw is just online store
Everything working without problem I just can't restart/shutdown my Hackintosh after PT installed. I had to run terminal code to restart or...
I think R2R is one of the member and reading all comments about them. :unsure:
I didn't try Cubase, a friend of mine has elicens to Cubase 7 and he doesn't need that. Is it possible to download Cubase from cubase.com and use...
Al least there is no AU/VST demos
Thanks man, you shed some lights in my dark room. I'm conflicting with my self about which daw is good for my need. I do just learning stuff and...
For me no go with PT10 on EL Capitan, my hackintosh gets restart/shutdown problem and I had to delete it several times. Other than that and...
I don't exactly know what is really going on here I'm almost new here but I hope no one kick me out of here :mates:
Soundtoys 5 maybe :unsure:
I like L2007 but its only for PT I think.
Do you know which one is better for Audio? I need a daw that can do almost anything to audio and sample files. I'm not fan of electronic music and...
Great, but what is actually different between Live and Bitwig?
Oh man, my Demo key is expired :(
I tryied to get the Demo but there is no 3.1 on the site just the old one
Any One updated?
Not working, all DAWs crashing.
Yes, wikileaks :rofl:
Separate names with a comma.