Ya im using ableton so I will try to figure that out! thanks for the info though it helps alot
Ya it can be really bad sometimes. Even using samples like thrown in that are vinyl can be bad. But I guess if you are making lofi then it is good...
Do you have any suggestions for a fade tool?
OH I realized that it could be the vinyl plugin I threw on one of the synths. -_- it has a noise setting and it might have added to that.
dude I noticed that and its just the synth like it clicks for a small period of time.
Also I forgot to use the reverb haha so next time I will be using that like you said.
Ill think about that next time! sounds like it would be the best thing for the track.
HEY! thanks I actually was thinking about a fade out in the end but I didnt go with it idk why!
So I came up with this chillwave sounding song. Tell me what you think about it? [MEDIA]
Ya I just got Valhalla vintage verb
okay sounds good haha I watched the video and read and ya sounds about right and it was really knowledgeable so thanks for the link :)
LOL that was what I was thinking xD
I guess I could do that. Christalline is a good one though they have a good following. I mean company wise.
What about valhalla room reverb? have you heard of it? and also I need to sidechain and thats what its for pretty much.
Hey! thank you so much for the love. haha I appreciate it :)
I use ableton and for the plugins i mainly use (synthesizers - Spire, Serum, Kontakt vapor keys 2. (effects - LFO Tool, Crystalline for reverb,...
Oh my gosh thank you so much for the detailed message. I seriously am having a hard time classifying music I make because to me it sounds...
I mean I like all styles mostly. I do like chill stuff I just cant really decide what to classify this under thats why I ask haha
Thanks for the input. I just cant really know because some people say yes and some say no and idk haha so I need help from you guys to decide.
So since I posted the last song I went and cracked another one out today. I was wondering what genre would this be? Would you call this a little...
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