Everybody should learn music theory. You could compare it to trying to be a great writer who can't read. It can be done but it makes it that much...
I'm saying he LOST! Good luck my friend suing in court. You will never win! Copyright or no copyright.
Thing is, that song did have a copyright at the time because it was being shopped. Read the story about how well Lloyd Chiate's lawsuit went...
As I said in my previous post, my comments are no reflection of your talents or songwriting. I have no idea. The thing is music, especially with...
Please don't take this post the wrong way, but the likely hood of your song being stolen is 0. Why? What purpose? Yeah, it happens but very...
"this job is completely safe - i could work there until retirement" That's what the people at Tower Records said. No company is safe anymore. Not...
Great, that what I needed to know.
Somebody here should be able to answer this. Thanks.
OK, I am running PT 10.3.10 Win 7 Pro 64. About to do a fresh install. Has anybody noticed any performance or stability improvements running AAX...
"please let me know too about it, tell me in the simple way" OK, let's take a C Major scale. CDEFGABC. No sharps or flats. The formula to spell...
If I undestand your question, there are 8 sharps. 7 plus a repeat at the octave. You can play C# Major C#D#E#F#G#A#B#C#. You could play an E#...
Chhantheman, there is a great post on the DUC on i7 builds. Not bleeding edge technology since the post is a few years old but will give you lots...
The CPU. Either 4 or 6 core. It also depends on which Audio program you are using. Are you using PT10? If so you won't need as much ram as say...
Not to hijack, but does Heat come with PT12 HD? That would be killer!
Friggy told you the best information you can get! Lot of mids in your tone. Might want to roll them down just a hair. Also, turn down the...
Haha Tim, I wish I had. I had to learn it the hard way!
Great, thanks everybody. Just what I needed to know.
Can't think of any mastering studio running through Neve's. Could you post a link to the video? Mastering is basically translating your mix to...
Thanks everybody for the suggestions! Going to try Fxpansion Geist first.
Audio Technica ATH-M50 for mixing. AKG K240 for tracking. The AKG's are just more comfortable for long sessions.
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