So now Apes are famous for both throwing pooh and scrolling through smartfone screens.. just shows what a vacuus waste of time and effort is put...
I wouldn't know mate, just sayin one of the ways things've been done over the years. It's fine, everything's fine, whatever works for you, it's...
when i was alive, and we used tape and razor blades, we used to do it all the time. so i guess it's fine... that is if you remember where in the...
wow, six pages! now that gives me an idea...:rofl:
yes, you're right he was. I was just agreeing with what @SineWave said regarding networking midi. cheers. :like:.
completely agree: some other midi over network stuff : rtpmidi: copperlan:...
My dad didn't want to be mentioned on t'interwebz... now he is.
Hi @MaXe you might be right that the changes stick out like a sore thumb and you need to improve/change your approach. On the other hand, you may...
do you use more than 1 monitor or have you changed your screen resolution at some point? if so, could the console display be opening in a non...
they didn't break up my friend, they just got chopped into even smaller samples :winker:
I put this in another thread, but it irks me irkily when folk moan about stuff not working when they really should know that... ...using non...
using non legit music software on an online computer is akin to playing a stolen guitar loudly in the foyer of a police station. [SPOILER] :wink:
DAW re mi fa so la ti ...DOH!
one for the movie sound folks: how talkies talk (1935): and folks think we have it tough...
load ezkeys, and twiddle around on a keyboard 'til you find summat interesting and you'll be on the way to beginning to compose something. Then...
It's sad but axiomatic that it's easier to con folk out of their money than to afterwards convince 'em that they've been conned out of their money.
Hhmm, thems were the daze... :bleh: fugly, fugly, fug-lee. also, search the CASIO DG-7...
plus 2 for (most of) the roland and godin hardware. i've been using my GI10 interface and GR50 guitar synth for years to trigger other synths. of...
thanks friend
the link i gave is to BAPAM (british association for performing arts medicine) professional health care organization, and i also alluded to seeing...
Separate names with a comma.