You don't know what you had 'til you lost it. Sometimes you might find it down the back of the couch, but often times it's gone forever. Yep, this...
A little knowledge is a DangerMouse thing and Plato invented the plate. There, I said it. :woot:
My simple breakdown: I don't think we shoud over worry about these things and just keep making the noises that we like. Afterall, everything is...
welcome to the pleasureDome matey :mates:
yes, always prefer the one... :like:
for live use I'd always plump for hardware unit where possible. less faffing about in my opinion. software, I'm quite happy with quikquak...
This is true, but it never stopped anybody from the beginning of recording til the now of recording. oh yeah, and beer in the mixing desk adds...
Women and pre CFC-free WD40. That also works for auto repair shops too. Vroom vroom. :hifive: But don't use air fresheners, they'll rot your soul...
:welcome: I was in a pub last night and the peanuts on the bar told me I had nice hair, but the jukebox in the corner called me a slag. It turns...
come on in, kick off your shoes and put your feet up friend. :thumbsup:
I'd rather say creating the necessary number of tracks for every project is more relevant to each of us.
Hard, though it is for some of our younger and possibly less worldly friends to believe, we had conspiracy theories waaaay before t'interwebz came...
agreed.:yes: don't feed the monster, it'll eat you in the end:dont: :woot:
all of the above work to some extent. But... you're gonna have to do some work post conversion whichever software tool you decide on. If you can't...
I'm sorry your session's f*cked up mate, but let that be a lesson to us all to take proper session notes. i hope you can recover your work. :yes:
the edukashon system has lost its way in my cunttree two, it kan leeds to lots of missunderstandage. granma police? gram o' police? granpa police?...
yep, that's the stuff... :like:
mine's a witch riding a pig off a cliff... weeeeeeeee!!
Separate names with a comma.