if it can be done with a breath controller i think it s possible using a theremin as well
gimp, it s freeware https://www.gimp.org/
perfect pitch is genetically acquired,what some methods teach is synesthesia,that is the ability to associate sensations that...
u r the one who has to learn, and the only way to do it is reading them and learning them and then learning how many tones...
expecially because e u r playing a keyboard instrument everything u say is wrong,as a mattter of fact every harmony book...
he doesn t ask for studying suggestions,he asks for shortcuts to avoid studying ,and when he doesn t,he suggests things on a...
even if u use headphones, be the moment the sound is generated it creates overtones,even if there s a millimiter between your...
there s no sound transmission in the void,sound needs air to be transmitted from a source,and when this source transmits a...
ok,but what u seem not wanting to understand is that the sine wave u talk about can exist only in theory,i reapeat it, the...
hey berklee college is full of autistic guys with asperger syndrome that are top level musicians,technically and i m sure even...
i copy the first lines : Different waveforms sound different. A sine wave sounds different than a square wave, which sounds different than...
I know I will regret it,but I m too curious: how did u choose this book, how did u compare different harmony books?with what...
jazz.just to quote one
u ve been spending months here trying to understand things u don t know and inventig them when those two things u tried...
So? the purpose of earmaster is to train your ears and brain to recognize and sing notes,not to refine your ears with the...
i wonder what this has to do with the fact that somebody that s been looking for every kind of loop hole to skip practice...
it generates it,but when u hear it it s no longer pure,because sound moves through the air and on this air columns from...
ok, but if u want a pure sine wave u don t need any software, u can simply draw it on a piece of paper,because it remains...
Windows midy fonts may suck,but using that as a justification to diss softwares leke earmater or auralia that do ther job...
Separate names with a comma.