It is the well known™ OpenSSH method to crack some old iLok protected plugin. (BTW: working great here in my elCapitan/Audio Station) Many Mac...
lol, just trash the ilok folder in Applications.
Must be something else in your system to make the random restart… I doubt that a simple permissions reset command (sudo chmod) to a single file...
"No Library found" = no .nicnt file.
For Mac users: Fire up Terminal and paste in it: grep -i snpid "/Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/Service Center/"*.xml | awk...
^ Yeah sorry… I was to quick to post the file path (now edited) When a library fails to show up there's others things as well to take care of:...
@ Mock: Just make Info ( Command + I) on Service Center folder If there's no "admin" in one of the three listed privileges, just double click on...
Why ask this in a topic with title related to Kontakt ??? Do you really think that some body will replay to you ? LOL (yeah, just me being an...
library/app support/Native Instruments/service centre folder <— must have admin privileges or Kontakt cannot write xml files in it
If the .exe is an archive, Unarchiver does open it
Kontakt libraries not sticking at relaunch is symptom that, when you add a library, xml files aren't written in: /Library/Application...
Votate quelli con cognomi che finiscono in "ini" o "oni" se vi piace martellarvi sui C…oni ;-)
^ Yes… Logic 10.4 ;P
Really no need to go trough all Omnisphere updates ! Just latest will do ;-) I have the STEAMS folder on external HD and when I build a new OS is...
Load Space Designer in an AUX and insert Pitch Shifter plugin
Oooops sorry ! Didn't knew that on public places latest Ked version still 5.6.8… Im on Mac too ;-)
No, you must add the library with SA 5.6.6 (Ked of course), then it will show up also in 5.7.x
^No need to report the full Console crash report that includes also your global machine settings… Just copy and paste here the very first crash...
Way more easy solution: 1) Keep a Standalone version (directory doesn't matter) that came out before the new Native Access protection. (Latest is...
if this music is amazing you, I cannot imagine whats your reaction listening to Jon Hassell's music: [MEDIA] Just a record he did almost 40...
Separate names with a comma.