One thing for sure : i will not buy softwares or hardwares to put them in a trash can some years later, just because some guy somewhere decided...
Jamais entendu parler de tirant élevé cassant un manche. Tout au plus, il se tord vers l'avant. Et heureusement, sinon aucun vendeur de cordes ne...
The answer start with a question : WHAT is a "mix" ? By it's name, you already know the answer : mixing tracks together to create a coherent AND...
Apple FORCE to USE their tech (remember, Firewire WAS pushed by Apple in the first place). AND Apple FORCE to NOT use their tech when they want to... To me, apart the...
Verify the file AND folder rights too ... May be none of the settings are saved, due to right limitations. And try to run a DAW in Admin mode...
Wrapping VST into jBridge ? And playing with JB settings ?
Google is doing exactly this for more than a decade. And Apple too. So what ? Everytime one company is doing shady things, ppl act like it was...
try multiband disto plugin with "fuzz" setting on each band. Freeware : Kombinat
New V6 ! Added a drive amp
I can make you a list too, no one speak about Focusrite Liquid Mix ... because no one use it. If you are triggered each time someone speak about...
I know Nebula since V1. And alternatives "capture models" (FR Liquid Channel, pluggo angel tone,classic tone, color tone,hydra tone,pul tone,...
I know it is strange, but i had this strange behavior on two scene websites. computer (ethernet+°box) and smartphone (4G) from two providers....
It is not rocket science ... when it works. Search their forum about "ratio" and read. I've done it, and seen a lot of users complaining about...
It was NOT a mistake : there is a massive attack (like the band) from EU states on "scene" DNS (and hosts) . I not only lost AZ website, but...
If each user pay, we can just do : users x price = money AN get. But here we know NOTHING about how many money they get for more than a decade now...
Host Trick works in France too tks ! :wink:
Right. The best answer is to find overlay makers. Result will be "brand new" and cheaper than an original part looking "like new" ... and so being...
I will try to explain once again, without being censored as usual : it is a capitalist model Market is saturated by products in EVERY domain....
Exactly what happened to me with every version of BitWig :rofl: That's why i never tested it ... crashing with the most sold audio interface :rofl:
Separate names with a comma.