western digital sells refurbished HDD/SSD travel sometimes. They got warranty, and barely used (returns). Check them, you can get some good buy ;D
I solved the problem decades ago : any "digital" EQ + selected saturation after it. I'm using a bunch of saturations plugins, because they all...
On their discord channel : https://discord.com/channels/829099347975208970/1100502230135734362
This is were the battle between "audiophiles" and "sound eng" start. 1 will tell you those headphones have defined treble, firm bass ......
That's why some ppl like workstations synths : sounds are created to be directly "mixable". They are already "pre EQ" to match. As a general tip,...
First, avoid any 3.5 HDD for travel. They are meant for desktop (non moving). 2.5 hdd are a LOT more reliable "on the go" : thicker AND smaller...
Try reading from here (i found nothing else worth it) :...
There are a lot of good ideas in FL. But the original workflow still there (for obvious reason). And this way of treating audio, separare tracks...
I don't have access to alpha Xenia.
More than my fav album : it got 4 singles toping on the same album. Gold/platinum worldwide for the album AND the 4 singles How many albums with...
What most ppl call "union" is in fact SYNDICATE. And syndicates are ALWAYS traitors to proletarians/workers/call us like you want. Because their...
I couldn't "reset" it when triggered ... Too bad, because it is VERY effective and simple :wink: PS : tried it again ... it worked :wink: May be...
I use https://vladgsound.wordpress.com/plugins/limiter6/ ENV skin I use "Protection" section in this situation (ISP fast). I was using Ice9, but...
Cleanest preamp possible (solid state) + anything with color (Nebula, Acqua, Decapitator ...) So you have a bunch of colors to choose from. And...
Pick-and-Shovel strategy To summarize : ppl made more money by selling picks and shovels to gold seekers than most gold seekers themselves....
Probably beta test for donators
A good thread (last posts) about WHY Acqua sound worse than Nebula 4 :...
Jonction corps / manche ? En effet, un gros problème de conception ... car c'est la partie la plus solide. J'ai vu des guitaristes massacrer des...
Yes SMART is the first thing to do (after backup). If there are bad PHYSICAL sectors ... just trash the drive or send it under warranty (some...
Most products are mineral oil based. About using organic oil, it is more a matter of durability. To get the same effect than mineral oil, you...
Separate names with a comma.