Never really understood why people use of a remote desktop viewer to begin with, but always assumed there were facilities built into each OS for...
As you wish, I am not going to flog a dead hose as you say. Everyone who mentioned "source material" was mentioning the actual multi-tracks....
You sent him a mix and not tracks? You keep sharing the final product when everyone is asking for the ingredients. Do you have this as a...
This is what happens when people have too much time on their hands and think everything is a competition, like football but for everything 24/7...
For electrics, I like DR strings either Veritas (9s) or Hi-Beams(8s only on +25" or 9s on all scale lengths) or Pure Blues (10s) if I am looking...
I'll still be so pilled out from the phama bowl of skittles that it wont matter, happily plunging away while singing along to Bobby, Whitney and...
I for one welcome our machine overlords. Even if we end up with a Brave New World situation, I wont know and wont care because I will be pilled...
I agree to a certain extent, but it's not a question of like or not like. It's more of a question of the does the guy deserve to get paid or not...
I understand what he was going for, and why he maybe didn't get there. Going for that 90s Roger Water's vibe and it is recognizable but the...
Electro Voice RE20. If you can not get low, clear and warm out of it it's not the microphone unless it is defective. If you've ever listened to...
There in lies the rub, we are all different people after all. The timing is the thing though and that's all it was about.
Run ls with grep to make sure anything with "waves" in it is gone in ~/Library/Preferences and /Library/Preferences Try deleting the preferences...
@lbnv is 100% right. If you can do it by ear it a lot easier. Your clicks for example, I came back to them because the timing seemed somewhat...
You can do it Abelton. Timbaland does something like this and there is a video of him doing it from a few years back. This is a pretty common...
I don't generally start with a fixed chain but if I had to within the constraints provided and with the given genera in mind. Kirchhoff-EQ...
That's quite an ask. If I had to do something quick, I would just steal something constrained and change it with a bit of dissonance and...
I have to admit that I am confused as well now.
May we have some examples please? I haven't been able to replicate this and quite frankly loading every soft-instrument I have to try to test for...
With a Sharpie(TM) of course. On a more serious note(sic) if this is an actual assignment. Bb Major: Bb,C,D,Eb,F,G,A Dominant Key (F)...
Separate names with a comma.