You're more than welcome Fishnose. Anytime...
Audiomodern Opacity [ATTACH] Audiomodern Opacity II [ATTACH] Luftrum Bioscape [ATTACH] Synth Magic Retropolis [ATTACH] Triple Spiral Fission...
You're welcome Fishnose. (All in a day's work...).
8dio Studio Sax v1.2 [ATTACH] Pianobook Alto Sax Choir [ATTACH] Pianobook The Swarminet [ATTACH] Rhythmic Robot Loopscape [ATTACH]
8Dio Songwriting Guitar [ATTACH] Impact Soundworks Acoustic Revolutions 3 [ATTACH] In Session Audio Lowdown Groove Guitar [ATTACH] In Session...
Always Welcome Downald. Send in the next batch...
Two teeny-weenie libraries from the sister site. Maybe someone will find them useful... Bela D Media Scoring Noise [ATTACH] Bela D Media SVE Pad...
Keepforest AizerX Classic Trailer Toolkit [ATTACH]
Indigisounds Collection [ATTACH] Musical Sampling Collection [ATTACH] Output Collection [ATTACH] Performance Samples Collection [ATTACH]...
A fine job on @Downald's "ethnic" library series.
8Dio Hybrid Tools Eternal Darkness (1) [ATTACH] 8Dio Hybrid Tools Eternal Darkness (2) [ATTACH]
You're welcome Downald. Enjoy you Sunday.
Angel Cano Collection [ATTACH] Binary Music Collection [ATTACH] Muletone Collection [ATTACH] Project Sam Collection [ATTACH] Samples From Mars...
Hi Downald. Thanks again for your positive words about my family situation. As always, you're more than welcome. Enjoy a great weekend.
Strezov Sampling Architecture of Sound [ATTACH]
Say @SeguePro : @pasi posted all of your requests on July 29, 2021 here:...
Just got back home a couple of hours ago. Been handling that situation I spoke about previously (better late than never) ... In any event, here...
Heavyocity Uncharted 88 [ATTACH]
You're welcome Terrell.
I see a "Bass Bundle" and "Total Guitar Bundle", but no "Total Bass & Guitar Bundle" together. Do you want separate libraries?
Separate names with a comma.