That is waaaaaaaay too loud. Also, instead making things "magical" by forcefully injecting different Fibonacci numbers , Here's what I aim for:...
Windows 8 has a tickless kernel This...
There might be other bottlenecks such as CPU, & also depenz on which plugs you use & budget.
backup your registry so you can partially restore your licences.
" Thanks to Wider’s one-of-a-kind all pass and comb filtering algorithm, no phase in any mix or affected audio will be compromised, even at its...
Tweaking ONLY the delay might not give you a good impression of close/far, cuz delay is not the only thing that gives this. Instead, have 2...
I'm not really expecting S1-4 to evolve out of its niche as a music-only DAW. But prove me wrong.
You can apply FX to specific clips by pressing shift-E
modern video game music covers many genres so any kontakt lib(s) will do. You have more than enough. It\'s not about what you have, it's about...
See this
I hope they have at least some bass. Maybe this will help....
by image i mean stereo width. stereo width is too wide in some places.
Overall nice, but at times, image too wide, and I expected the ending to be more abrupt.
Sessiondrummer , 3GB , mdrummer ??? GB
Maybe you want
try here
Technically, I used a panner then added automation (pmod) on 3 tracks. The other 6 that I panned (L/R) were static.
My advice: Instead of just adding lots of reverb, try panning tracks L&R. That's what I did.
Imaging issues, imo. Make sure everything that should be narrow is narrow (leads, rhythm). Afterwards, check everything else shouldn't be too wide.
Separate names with a comma.