I got a brand new one recently. The problem is it makes lots of stuttering and noise when I set Audiobox at the audio device setting on Studio One...
I guess this is the only option in Studio One. Mixtool doesn't work when the volume goes down the bottom. Some instruments still play. I have...
I think you misunderstood what I said. I know how to use VCA, but I am talking about the MASTER TRACK, THE MAIN FADER, which is all the way the...
I did it before, but there was no way to separate the automation and the control. In order to add automation to the main fader, you should add the...
In Studio One, if you apply automation on the main fader, you can't control the fader any longer. Is there any other way to control it? I also...
Will try it. Thanks.
What do you mean another application? The same DAW? If I open it with the same DAW, the result will be the same though. Probably you were gonna...
There are two tracks of RealLPC, one for the left side and another for the right side. I worked on the Song Mode and both have mostly the same...
Ye, it's really tricky, but it is not so tough to set it up. I am using S1 and it was kinda pice of cake. Thanks for the details.
Wait. I just tested all of RealGuitar series again. The acoustic guitar really plays stereo, but electric guitars don't. The normal one, 2 mono, 2...
Ye, this is what I wanted to know. They offer many options, but it is not easy to understand/decide for newbies. I have been considering which one...
Thanks, everyone for the great suggestions, but my main question is if the stereo and the mono features are really useful for mixing. They must...
What about double? They also offer double guitars option. Is it different from stereo and doubling mono? Another question is, many people...
I read the manual but I had no idea what different is and why it is a powerful feature. I pulled up normal one, mono, and stereo on my DAW, but...
Soundhound didn't recognize it at all. I tested some minor tracks and it also didn't catch it. Shazam gave me a better result, but it also doesn't...
I really appreciate your help, but I already sold it. It has had several issues even though I installed the right driver you uploaded. I am gonna...
I created a song yesterday, but it sounds pretty familiar. It may be someone else's song, but I have no idea what it is. I researched and...
I just decided to sell the audio interface and will get a new one. Hope it will solve the issue.
My audio interface is Beringer UMC22. I installed only Asio4All, but nothing else. Should I need others?
I appreciate it :)
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