if you start making a beat, and u're fine with it, why would u add a compressor to change its feeling? it must be a conscious decision you need...
i guess it helps you translate better on those devices but also check this https://shop.audified.com/products/mixchecker-pro there's free trial
if you set limits to yourself like 1 song per month or anything like that you're doomed to work on ideas that might not give you the result you...
i loaded canopener and liked the way it sounds on its default settings anyone knows i can reach that sound without the plugin or its too...
Lets say the drum kit has only 1 crash cymbal... and we record the drum kit with overheard mics too. lets say the cymbal is played several times...
can you make sure std free
actually i think this is correct i'm a bit confused when you say i might be crushing the hell out of the mix what u mean? because you go on...
is there any tutorial you are aware of that explains this process u are referring to well? thanks!
hi i need to lower all project own by 2LUFS i have two options 1) Lower volume of all tracks 2) lower threshold on maximizer whats the...
Hi i have a limitor on master track (supposedly mastering done) but i'm just making some final adjustments on volume of some tracks now i have 2...
i tried sound meter with my android i tested with a song from youtube..around 70-73db already sounds quite a loud level here
how do i check what level i have? the 80db level? thanks
Hello if i have good headphones and decent monitors but untreated room should i place for example 80% trust on headphones and 20% on monitors?...
lol thanks! :)
i'm trying to start 1 at a later point in the project but when i click that option it doesn't do anything [IMG] am i doing something wrong?...
its indeed excellent! does he have any tutorial
so lets say bass is currently at -15db and lead at -10db and i like the volume balance between the two instruments now... lets say i decided...
exclusively for producer enjoyment :p
1/16 note is how many ms? i guess it depends on tempo too? how is it calculated thanks
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