When I got to 17,I'd assimilated enough to make my own and not worried what sounds were commercially pedalled, though used to hear good bands...
prefer to record with the germ and master with the pultec, I'd flip a coin when it came to mixing but would edge towards pultec if I couldn't use...
Sounds like the daws master pan setting is set to less than the maximum width amount, just guessing but I'd see if it has that first, I used to...
Plenty of good advice above, but it is just a matter of identifying what you what to change and finding the right tool for the job, good starting...
I love using timbales and great to have a set that don't need other bits of kit loading at same time. Ideal, so thanks for the heads up
umm.. this is a bit wierd, I can't get much above 13khz in that test yet when mixing and need to add a bit of a little sizzle at 15Khz its not a...
Well as they make great amps ! if you need a dj mixer the audio quality would probably suduce you. Can you get to demo it, I've not heard it but...
That should be interesting, although I do like my SPL plugs, I think I can do a better job now with rubbish plugs than I could 10 years ago with...
Midiquest for me, for the price its more convoluted than my synth menu's, I also find it easier to control synth hardware from a DAW, not that I...
Oh well I'm screwed either way, not backing up is a bad option and now backing up is a bad option
"The great moralist is always a great pervert" I think the truth is that their hypocrites who pretend to have morals to try and fool everyone, but...
you could use some inversion too, will will make things sounds a little different or just carry notes over from a previous chord ex am(a,c,e) use...
anything by J.S, He wrote it all in some form before anyone else got the chance but as you said classical, I imagine you mean the classical...
Got me wondering now as I only installed what's on the list and its fine on both x86 & x64 systems, Possibility that my Redds are from previous...
:wink: This is one for bookmarking, super idea solution: use Steinberg HaLion VSTi DXi v3.5 DVDR AiRISO, tested on win7x64 with Reaper-x64...
Been beaten to it but I'd say logic or cubase, and logic's mac plenty of other's to try before you buy though, bitwig, samplitude, sonar, studio...
Rewire! but that means working the sounds within reason, Or exporting the sounds you want to use to audio using reason, a right royal pain if your...
[img] [img] after had a sr-16 which was first machine I owned that sounded like drums [img] [img] Followed up by DJX Both drum machines died...
Its totalmix fx you mean I think for the babyface, a lot more involved than the routing version I use without fx, so I'm little help. Looks like...
If you choose to go the reaktor route, check out MOLEKULAR, its a mega multi fx kit
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