what a crock... Plugins like these make me want to punch the developers square in the throat!!! What? Does Slate need to pay for more plastic...
Felt the same way as you... Unfortunately I simply don't like the UI. Yes there are more modulation and bussing options. But the workflow to me is...
Its a cluster fuck adding all these. Especially if you want them all in the NI browser side & not the User.... Had to nest other expansion...
Its been discussed at length here. Do a search. However, a concise clear & straight forward method to using it hasn't been delivered. You'll have...
Xfer, Fxpansion & Sknote
I said fuck you to Digidesign & Avid years ago. Liberate yourself and ditch'em!!!! Same quality and workflow is offered in other DAWS!!
Somebody with real experience in the scene needs to speak on this. What does it mean for future releases on the sister site? Are we stuck with v9...
Memorize it by simply playing music... :like:
Fix is fairly simple... Boot in recovery mode command+r. Then open terminal located from the menu bar on the top. Type "csrutil disable" minus the...
Started a petition awhile ago for UAD to model the Distressor. Had more negative responses than positive. I dont understand how people could...
Apollo Twin for the gigging musician here...
Avid and iLok can go f@&k each other up the @ss all the way straight to Hell for all I care!!!! I hate both companies and I wouldn't so much as...
Do yourself a favor and get the room treated/tuned before you go ham on the fear. Consult with Ethan Winer via Gearslutz. Or just google the guy....
A few days ago I ran into some trouble re-authorizing some expansion packs... Suddenly the expansion packs weren't authorized in BFD 3. I've tried...
Software company = Bitwig Software = Bitwig & iZotope Stutter Edit.
Quantization is an absolute NO NO for Dilla. But that type of playing is referred to - at least in the gospel & neo soul community - as...
BEHOLD!!!!!! ......... nothing
With Sly-Fy releasing a Distressor'ish plugin & Sknote about to drop one also. I think its time we revisit the idea of this petition I started....
Separate names with a comma.