Sorry to interfere but the OP asked if there's a program that can create "shells" out of VST bundles. Shell2vst does the exact opposite of that;...
@ studio 555 thanks my friend for your patience to provide the photographic proof of the functionality of my method (which is not mine at all, of...
I'm not an expert, I just shared a solution that I found and worked for me. Maybe it doesn't work with Waves 9, I don't know. Sorry that it...
Hi frito zanzibar and olymoon, sorry I just saw your messages. This is the procedure: 1 - Download Shell2vst.exe from here...
I'm still on waves 8 and had the same prob when I installed it. This is what I did and worked for me: There's a little utility called...
Thanks very much for all your answers. @urOk Thanks but no thanks. Some Pablo guy did and was siphoned off to the Spanish Audition Inquisition...
I do run different DAWs and wave-editors (Reaper 4, Acid 7, Live 8, Samplitude Pro X, Audition CS5, SoundForge 10) on a desktop and a laptop and...
Tribler: “The only way to take TRIBLER down is to take the Internet down,” the lead researcher says. Check TorrentFreak News Article
very nice and droney :wink:
Great story. Crazy LULZ :rofl:
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