hi there ! I've made a no-profit-use only remix, of a copyrighted song is legal to post it on facebook, youtube ecc ecc, without the permission of...
thx pine ! now the eq is ok but the audio file is still loud , i think is the track itself too loud(my fault) the same thing happen with Sony...
HI there !!! after doing the render with Adobe After Effects CS4 , listening to it with VLC(flat eq), the audio of the project is much higher in...
Mohini Dey
there are a couple of infected mushroom tutorial on youtube just type "infected mushroom tutorial" ...done !!! :yes:
and of course this :rofl: [MEDIA]
HI there!, where can I download a working version of RMX installer 2.0( windows) for Stylus ? thx bye :bow: EDIT: nevermind folks ! I've...
:rofl: The Year 2038 problem is an issue for computing and data storage situations in which time values are stored or calculated as a signed...
but I saw a video on youtube about the "consolidate " funcition that can do the job ( i think ) but I don't remember how thx anyway
Hi there ! how do I extract the sequence of midi notes from the FM8 arpeggiator in cubase 5? if I play with the midi keyboard I will record only...
Hi there !!!, could you recommend some youtube channels dedicated to the build for PCs, specifically related to audio production ?(components,...
I am very sorry for what happened, you have all my solidarity ...a big hug
:rofl: [MEDIA]
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