You're Welcome! :mates:
Local Group Policy Editor settings have the highest priority and remain permanently. It can't be modified by OS or other tools without explicit...
@EAR TO LEARN, As answer to your question I've made a new thread called: STOP Automatic Updates on Windows 10 (permanently) Here the direct link:...
Dear AudioSEX community, I create this thread as answer to the question from @EAR TO LEARN: How to disable Windows Automatic Updates. On Windows...
The Pirate, I would to join the BIOSTHUTool journey. Best Regards and Happy Year 2021
Why people must always update windows (or other OS)? I was never understand this obsessional neurosis. Since over 2 years I blocked all updates,...
Absolutely the Pro Version, because of Group Policy full settings access (disable Cortana, disable Auto-Updates, disable Driver-Updates etc..)
You make me horny....darling... [ATTACH]
Welcome in the COViDIOT CLUB! [ATTACH]
Masks are harmful, he proved that... [ATTACH]
Cubase SX 3, I lost the dongle 15 years ago...
At sister site = Christmas sales for 100% off:rofl: [ATTACH]
After extremely long, very complex and comprehensive research... I have found it direct in the Browser in Category "DRUMS/HIT" :deep_facepalm:...
Philosophy as a hobby? [ATTACH]...
This is an important notice!:like: [ATTACH]
For Audio stuff the 3800X are a way better (and cheaper) because of higher single core performance.
OK, that's a crucial argument!:guru:
If someone disagrees to my post so please don't hesitate to come out of the rat hole and argue against my comment. [ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.