Awesome thanks"!
Problem, is that we don't know exactly which version you got/downloadt. I could only suggest to re download a newer version. Make sure to...
Nikon.. Just from reading all that I got a headache. I seem to be stable on studio one 64 bit. I used to get a lot of delay (lag) openning...
I didn't read your post! :p I stop watching half way when he start copy paste plugins wiith same settings on multiple tracks lol I never mess...
That's not Halloween music!!! You should post it Justin Berber n Miley Cyrus song :p that's scaryyyyyyyyy!! P.s am I late for coupon Q.Q
I will try those too next week. Busy with midterms. I don't mind trying to customize it myself. I wouldn't mind learning and tweaking a few other...
Best advise ever. Back from sarcasm land. I have the same problem with keeping the settings on a session. I have only try on studio one. Now I...
Vestax Pad I was looking at Queno too before i purchase my padkontrol. I had trouble choosing padkontrol cause its like.. 5 year old. It gets the...
Bump.- Even though i don't like that skin... i still wanna know if there's a way to switch skins on the version below (windows)...
I lost faith on "All in one" keyboards :sad: I don't know why companies can't make the keyboards right.. i blame china *no* :bow: *yes*
I browse around, i havent try them yet. I bought the korg padkontrol. Most of the reviews i saw on vestax is that the pads are kinda like mpc...
I would suggest a trip to guitarcenter or a music shop.. Most speakers sound different to everyone. Your budget would cover 1 decent monitor. i...
If you have the statement that you bought x product cause of marketing/advertising.. Its really up to you not the company. Marketing/advertising...
he has a few good tips.. even though i kinda hate his 7 video tutorial on mixing. He just use channel strip on everything and compress everything....
I can only recommend colors. Once you use colors on each track/type, you wil get used to it. I usually do red for drums, synths blue, vocals...
It will ask you which plugins to install and location. Only problem is if you pick the wrong location. It will make a 2nd copy and you will have 2...
All I gotta say.. Xvideos/redtube. slowly... Walks away.
You all need a chill pill... I would suggest to upgrade all at once or wait. Better be safe than sorry. I haven't upgrade either cause I'm having...
Ableton also f9lllows the track o.o Maybe I missunderstood you... Yea.. I'm still waiting on bigwig... I hope they have a deal for pre order.
BITWIG. now back to reality.. I like studio one. Most daws have the arrangement mode. A few have a few extra stuff n less stuff. Overall, its...
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