Foster, why do you always come up with some nonsense about finding sounds/music that have yet to be discovered ? I can't say they have all been...
That's why the comparison is so interesting. While Tatum was pre-bop his style is almost a precursor of what was to come. Yet Monks version is...
Yep. It depends on the Overtone series. Everything has Timbre except a sine wave. The Timbre could be defined as an overtone series that has...
Yeah, spot on. Pleasantly surprised we're in agreement on something ! Given previous discussions.
Monk is one of my heroes. I don't find the recordings you posted to be that dissonant. His sense of all Melody, Harmony and Rhythm is fantastic....
Suspended chords usually resolve the suspended note, ie: the 4 or 2 back to the 3rd they were in place of. Sorry bad sentence. Failing that they...
Haven't read all the responses so forgive me if the following has been discussed. Interesting article on voice leading,...
Argh you bastard, you beat me to it. Being a huge jazz fan it was kind of interesting. Not 'free' enough to be free Jazz. Was waiting for it to...
Might find this interesting. Basically it's a study suggesting that people...
Because they're afraid we're getting closer to the truth... ? The media and your corrupt governments cannot let that happen. Did you know the...
I haven't the time to read it right now, sorry. Pysops doesn't exactly fill me with confidence. I know the CIA were trying some pretty wacky...
@Jeff global Wow that seems like an informed list. Is it worth mentioning that India should be second in the list with around 180 Million ? What...
@mrfloyd Ahh so only Islam hates the Gays... Seems to me some states of the USA ain't to keen either. What about Orthodox Christianity in...
I was merely pointing out the rhetoric being used by the Leave campaign. It doesn't really matter now. My point was that they were using Islam to...
Austerity was not chosen by the banks. It was the right wing Tories who wanted to protect their own interests. Considering the Scots SNP are so...
I don't think the Austerity can continue. The under 30s in UK have never had it so bad. Ridiculous housing market that has been kept...
I actually agree with a lot of what PCR stands for and argues about although I did only look at his Wiki page. He was part of the Reaganomic...
Separate names with a comma.