Does the Band know you are doing this or have they taken what you had and gone.
This is now out of order. Pass 13 very very close. I think you can now push the hats. There is a nasty thwack! on the toms. Look at the frequency...
With the Bass we want it to sound like its down an octave. Give it the 48hz boost and find the resonace round 100-120hz. I presume you have the...
Ok Toms are not center. Cymbals are still not right. Don't cancel the Cab yet. The cymbal at 35 sec is at the right level. You really need to...
No wait for the rest of the track before you change the snare..
OK Sounding Great. Put the toms in the middle because it unbalances the track. Remember we have plenty of left and right with the rhythm guitar...
With the snare eq and compression I am just trying to get some body in the snare. We can then bring some of the original unprocessed snare back on...
My keyboard is dying.
OK That is not the Eq Limiting and Gate above. I think the toms will be ok. Take out the overheads and get the cymbals of the tom. If you have a...
Bring the release on the gate up to 29ms
Can you upload a drum mix only.. Send me the toms..
Try this on the Snare. Try it with and withou the gate [ATTACH]
Hey Victor Look good effort but the problem is we lost our way with the mix and have to fix the mess we created. Trying to do what you did is...
Mr. subGENERE send me a 10sec WAV of raw unprocessed snare drum top mike track. I want to have a play with it. There is something I am missing....
Lets hear what the drums on there own sound like. Do we really need to sync a sample to the snare to get some depth. Lets hear it. Lets judge...
I think the cymbals have clouded the definition in the track. Also the vocal effects are also clouding the track. We have to get back to the...
If you have anything on the master bus take it off. This could be clouding everything. It does not matter at this stage if the track sounds soft....
I keep thinking doubling the snare with a lower sample with less thwack! This could be wrong though. But I would try it.
We have got to get this back on track. I think you should have a listen without the bass. It seems to be taking a lot of room. I think it could be...
Separate names with a comma.