why dude? dont kill yourself
im here to make the shittiest music possible and annoy people with my creations while i embarras myself all along in the process i think i finally...
just asking i really wanna test some stuff from the ableton 12 beta and it surprisingly works on my ancient computer
a latency fix for auto mode when recording should be their number 1 priority since most popular music nowadays has vocals in it long gone are the...
you should know your logins well enough before buying stuff i have 0 problems with ilok i suggest you to save your passwords somewhere safe like a...
i recommend fl studio it is impecable for recording that or reason ableton is a crap daw
i switched from ableton to reason recording at 64/128 samples the issue is fixed now i also have fl studio which works perfectly seems like it's...
i use 6 becouse 7 doesnt auto load anima on startup wish there was a fix for this if not i will continue to use 6 it is good enough except for the...
apple doing apple things god knows why the lowest setting is 32 buffer size anyway i was talking about ableton why does ableton have this latency...
i use a scarlet solo 3rd gen and i dont have latency in fl studio working at 44100 hz and 16 samples but in ableton 11 suite theres always a bit...
thank you so much for your encouraging words i will keep trying to do my best
thank you man i try to accept what i have i just find it sounds childish lol i wish i had a manly voice
hey guys i can sort of sing i believe anybody can but i dont like my voice (very childish or sometimes very low in a childish way cant describe it...
i can do that with the sub oscillator from serum but i dont really care much about low end but i will do it thanks for the tip : )
i told you im a noob i dont know about mixing i just create raw serum tracks and add 0 post procesing
plz guyz help me make bass go boom boom any tipz? [MEDIA]
Ableton is a huge cpu hog with maxforlive unless you NEED ableton i suggest you to move to fl studio or reason much faster daws i also use ableton...
hey guys i made this drop in almost no time any tips on how to be better? i dont know rapid yet but i somehow managed to make a drop with it [MEDIA]
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