@BaSsDuDe : I'm not denouncing your wisdom here. I agree with all that you said. Merely adding my perspective as one of those monsters at the top...
In the eye of the unprincipled person the most abhorrent creature is the one that cannot be corrupted. Rail and rant as much as you like at those...
Low enough to give limbo dancers vertigo. Low, wrong and a fail. [IMG]
Oh my. Hawking on synth, Feynman on bongos and Patrick Moore on Xylophone. That's one crazy Great Gig In The Sky. RIP and don't forget the need...
Think, Pink. [IMG]
Networking with other DJs means it's not just my eyes an ears out there, searching for diamonds in the rough. Shared info on cool "finds" can...
K. No worries @foster911. Thanks for replying. :)
Hey @GodHimSelf. You might enjoy reading the Bob Katz (he of the "K"-system) paper entitled "An Integrated Approach to Metering, Monitoring, and...
Hey, @Herr Durr! How doth it hang, old bean? :thumbsup: Yeah.... and 'shrooms, too. Neither of which I recommend for when you're on a 'bike. Just...
@foster911 Would you care to elaborate, please. The term "art music" is something that I have not encountered elsewhere. The human voice is...
Hey @spyfx ! Can I jam and put my palm on my wife's chest instead of mine? Is that like jazz improv, or something? I shall give it a try. Hold...
lol - dayum. Would you believe it, folks? The click track slows down too! Bl**dy tricknology.
As a drummer, I believe everyone else in the band slows down towards the end of the song. I don't know why. It's uncanny how they all manage do it...
Um... thanks @Beth. :unsure: Er...... you know my fractal design is a parody of the Merrie Melodies brand artwork, yes?
I like 'em all. :yes: Throwing my hat in here merely as food for thought. I was thinking fractals, maybe? Don't take these as final offers for...
Playing guitar with one hand only means your chords will suck. omg - don't put audiowarez ads on flesh sites. The pronarazzi might become drummers...
Sorry to necro this old post, guys. :( @The Dude - you were right on the money. I had Fanboy;s Annoyances List enabled in AdBlock. Once I unticked...
No worries @Von_Steyr. Midnight has $5 dollars in her piggy bank. She also made me put $15 dollars in the Swear Box after I lost my shit during...
Compression? Meh. If the Vu meter needle isn't bent around the end stop, it's not loud enough. :)
@SineWave Loving it. Yep. I have an SM58 on a gooseneck screwed onto a table stand like... um... 10 inches away from me. It got "retired" because...
Separate names with a comma.