thanks zufunkt.. so its an analog phase scope.. cool :shock:
thanks for the info pilz :wink:
thanks man :wink: im going to check those now..
Hi i Just Bump in to this Cool Visual Oscilloscope.. :shock: anyone knows what is that cool...
Ei Man that made me think too.. :rofl: Nice Question :wink:
1. Reaper is Nice.. 2. Still no Feedback for Studio One? so one feedback wont do the Job..any feedback from other Studio One Users.. 3....
thanks for the suggestions guys.. well its not that PT9 is not working for me..its fine just pissed by the release of pt10 abandoning...
i agree with others point here... I probably go for Yesterdays Top Notch Technology..their way much Cheaper...and Certified tested By Public and...
I am a Student Studying and Hoping to Learn for Post Production.. :bow: and i am About to sell my Pro Tools 9 on saturday... Any Guys Working...
welcome *yes* Lets make this Community a Better Place for All... :dancing:
IMHO.. this is my workflow.. ABLETON - sound design, composing , arranging, creative. ( this is my favorite.. this is where i play alot..I...
R.I.P Steve Jobs.. thank you ..
*yes* VIRUS Synth is Popular... i think there are lots of VST there who simulate it... Groove 3 - Producing House With Ableton Live...
Sonic Academy has a Tutorial Module for this.. Sonic Academy - How to Make Peak Time Trance maybe that will do.. *yes*
@ xiny thanks for the tip bro *yes* im new to Sound Design..and still learning nobody gave me a warning that Sound Synthesis is Very...
i gave it a try.. create a sub bass... Apply LFO Arppegiate.. sidechain to a Drum heres what i got...
i voted No *yes* Banning is a bit Harsh ..i agree maybe we should tell them that requesting for such releases wether its Mac or 1....
sigh** making music is not about using MAC or PC.. *yes*
try using Massive..or any synth.. then use a bassy patch or whichever you like..or design your own apply a low pass filter then crank up the...
there is no issue here.. *yes* "One man's Trash is another man's Treasure" others might find that others post are valuable others wont give...
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