I've loved RBass for years, look into Leapwing Rootone. It's pretty damn good.
To me it sounds like an issue with the headphone input on the laptop
Just 2 clicks and it's perfect
This comes off as so salty and just ignorant. Yes, I 100% agree about their business practices- but to say that their plugins are "exactly the...
Lol, not the thread I'd expect to see here
Ah yeah, I see what you mean. I didn't buy that one- it was really just a placeholder for any 4TB HDD that I clicked on too hastily. I bought a...
Good, cause I bought it earlier lol. Thanks again!
Yeah, I changed the video card to this one for now. Will probably upgrade this later in the year after some more money comes in....
Cool, yeah, I was most unsure in the PSU area. This one looks great! SSD too. It is primarily a production PC but I do intend on playing some...
Sorry about that! Should be good now.
About to build a PC. What do y'all think? https://pcpartpicker.com/user/talktokale/saved/#view=7Fdzf7
LOL chill out. I meant shell as in 'shell out.' I have dyslexia.
I'm probably not going to shill for the newest AMD processor that comes out. Will the current generation AMD prices go down when this comes out or...
I'm just about to build a similar PC after running Mac for 10+ years... Are you guys buying Windows 10 to install on it or loading a custom...
Introducing oversampling with Metaplugin isn't going to change the processing inherent to a plugin that doesn't have an oversampling option.
All 3 of the Arturia compressors (UREI 1176, Gates Sta-Level, DBX 165A emulations) have a compression range function in the advanced settings to...
RIP. Legend.
And the award for Most Annoying New Poster goes to...
Generally speaking, I like the Overloud Gem series although some of them can be a bit finicky. The LA2A/3A is great. I'm interested in this.
Separate names with a comma.