LOL.. We are gonna have to have internet protocol courses in high school for these Moe-Moe's lmao lmao It was a GOOD couple years before i even...
Well of course the goldies are gold brah. But it was the fact bun b hasnt released anything in awhile and hearing him pretty much stay true to his...
Love to get new releases from my Tidal app. Today is Bun-B "Bun B Day" Miss rap? No, no, not that new half ass done rap but that REAL ish? Give...
Iunno what the fuck is going on rite now, But i like it! -Stoney Homie
...and like a good neighbor Statefarm is there... had to before one of you smart asses did ;P
It's all Art, Art never stops. it only regresses in forward way if you get me. Bell bottom jeans may come back but they still have cell phone...
AGREEED and nice job on hearing it! This is indeed a rough draft recorded version. It was late, not all my umpf was in it like it is now. But...
lol, yuup Dudes spun the fuck out. A lot of greats go down that road, a lot of people have fake support systems feeding into the devil. Spent my...
Not one!?!? Yall ruthless this time around ;* still love yall
You know that look on you're face when you smell something bad. Thats me, Hands up, Ass Shaking, 7am OH hell the clap break down came i gotta go
You just earned your self a follow on soundcloud and instagram my friend lmao
I have no idea tbh. I have imac 24gb ram and vary rarely do I actually overload. Busssssssss
Oh if it wasn't obvious Im looking for more then a thumbs up lol. Share thoughts on the mix, recording, anything and everything. Don't be shy....
Some of you guys really dug the last little teaser i posted and i got tons of great feedback and tips from the community so I thought I'd do it...
Sorry if this is repost last topic i see was from 2018" So Battery 4.1.6 is crashing Logic 10.4.6 every time i go to look through my samples in...
For width huh... I've been really liking the new on from ADA Plugin Alliance called. STD-1 Pretty good width. STD-1 and mono upmix you can...
yeap i tried them out you were exactly rite. They have what I was looking for to a T. much thanks and appreciation
Nice tip. Ive never heard of that company. Cant wait to check them out . and yea Cyn and WA super scorey yup awesome tip bud. that was exactly...
everybody suggestions were mUCH appreciated im going through them all now! Kudos everyone
...I mean. The image speaks for it self. Mind blown.[IMG]
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